Friday, October 13, 2017

Assignment 15A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior #2

Assignment 15A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior #2
After I conducted my interviews, I found that I had realized some different aspects of the opportunity for my product that I hadn’t thought of before. My interviews definitely gave me a different view of what customers would want and what business’ would want.
Customers would seem to want a product that would quickly and efficiently dry off their hands. Those that I interviewed said that they agree that having to use multiple paper towels to dry off hand can get very irritating. All of the people understood that this would be more geared for business rather than in your home, but some thought that would be useful as well.
From a business perspective some of those I interviewed were skeptical about whether business’ would want to make an investment in this product if it doesn't fully impact their business functions.

From my interviews I have found that overall I need to make sure I appeal to business and make a good argument for why this would be a sound investment. I should further try to conduct an interview with a small business owner and see what their perspective would be on the product.


  1. Hi Delaney,
    It seems like these interviews helped you get a better perspective of what businesses and individuals would prefer from your product. It’s great that the product is quick and efficient and I’m sure a lot of businesses would be willing to invest in this kind of a product. There is definitely still an opportunity for this product in the home setting it would just be altered for that environment. Overall, great post!

  2. Interviewing potential buyers like business' would be a great help to see what your market would be. Small businesses would probably be a good start since they have more say in what they can do. Big corporations usually have to get that stuff approved from higher ups.

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  4. Hey,

    I encourage you to definitely conduct interviews with small business owners to see what their perspective is. I think that it is a better way to reach the local community since they are a small business. I would really enjoy to see your idea become a reality because multiple paper towels are very irritating like the interviewee said. "Life in the bathroom" would be so much easier and efficient.
