Friday, October 13, 2017

Assignment 13A- Reading Reflection

Assignment 13A- Reading Reflection
I read Coco Chanel by Lisa Chaney
  • What surprised you the most?
    • I was surprised by how hard of a childhood Coco Chanel had. I did not realize she had such a rough upbringing and she didn’t even speak her country's language until she was a teenager. I was also unaware that she was was a mistress and muse to famous artists such as Picasso, Dali and Stravinsky. I also was very surprised to hear that Coco Chanel was considered a Nazi spy.
  • What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
    • I admire Coco Chanel's tenacity. Although she had a rough upbringing she strove to be something more that what she was destined to be. Her determination is evident throughout her life.
  • What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
    • I least admired Coco Chanel’s thought that she could never find love besides that of growing her empire. Although, I do understand it was an extremely hard time for a woman to make a name in the industry. I would have hoped that Coco Chanel didn’t think she needed to have affairs with high up men in order to move up in the fashion world.
  • Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
    • Absolutely, as discussed before Coco Chanel had a rough upbringing. In the era she was born it was a man’s world and she defied odds and opened up her own fashion line for women made by a women.
What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited?
  • I noticed that Coco Chanel was smart but still kept to her own signature throughout her life. In a man’s world she used her drive and confidence to bring women clothing that actually was stylish and comfortable.
3) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
  • There is a large gap in what happened during Coco Chanel’s early teenage years and it seems she did not want to talk much about them. I wonder if she does not want people to think about how lost she was during those years before discovering herself.
4) If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?
  • What made you fall in love with fashion and decide to pursue it?
  • Do you have any regrets?
5) For fun: what do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?

  • I think that Coco Chanel has a very good opinion of hard work. In all aspects of her life she was a hard worker from her personal life to her career, she took steps to always make sure she was on top. I definitely believe I share that opinion but she had much better execution.


  1. I honestly don't know anything about Coco Chanel. I don't really like her fashion but I do like any women that makes herself successful and strives for better. Seems like most of these people we have read about came from hard childhoods and made something of themselves. It's also not surprising that someone like her was a mistress to many well known people.

  2. Hey!

    I actually did the same autobiography. I think that you and I had similar ideas and questions about Coco Chanel. It is evident that she was secretive about her upbringing to the public because of how tough it was. Also, we both acknowledged that her empire was basically her life. She was a very hard working woman and I believe that it is encouraging to woman around the world who have share similar goals.
