19A- Idea Napkin No.2
1. My name is Delaney Koponen. I am a senior marketing major with a minor is retail. I have always been passionate for the marketing industry- discovering why consumers buy certain products and what motivates them to do so. I paired that with my interest in retail. This past summer I worked in Atlanta, GA at Newell Brands as a brand marketing intern. Newell owns popular consumer goods brands like Sharpie, Caphlon, Graco, Paper Mate, Elmer's and many more. I think that this product ties in my passion for discovering what consumers want and making everyday tasks that much more simpler.- nothing has changed here!
2. I am offering both companies and individuals a way to make the hand washing process a little quicker and simpler in public places. For individuals this will allow to lessen frustration of having to get more than one paper towel from the dispenser or being left with wet hands. For companies this will make customers happier customers.- The same product offering as previously
3. I am offering this product to companies and individuals. These companies would be any business that offers a public restroom. These individuals demographic would mostly contain those who prefer to be cleanly and save the environment. All my customers have in common that they would be using a public restroom at least once if not many more times in their life.- I think that this is very similar but has changed slightly in that I would obviously be targeting business owners to purchase the product but consumers to encourage the product
4. Customers care about this product because it would make their daily lives just a little bit easier. It would not cost individuals using the restroom money but it would cost a small amount of money to those that own the business.- The same
5. I have never used a automatic paper towel dispenser and been satisfied with the amount of paper towel that comes out with the first swipe. This product would be different because it has not been done before.- The same but I forgot to mention its appeal to protecting the environment from unnecessary waste.
I think that all of these elements fit very well together. I think the aspect of my business concept that is weaker is appealing to business’. This is probably the last concern for business’ so I feel they might not take this as a priority to becoming a profitable business.
Feedback memo- I had very positive feedback from my peer reviews. No one really said anything that would negatively impact my product. Therefore, I take this as I am on the right track! This product would definitely require some testing and promotion.