Thursday, September 21, 2017

Assignment 6A- Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Assignment 6A- Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

Economic Trend #1

A Start-Up Slump Is a Drag on the Economy. Big Business May Be to Blame.


  • Why- Start up companies are at a decline and may be blamed by big companies. Start ups fuel the economy and help bring jobs to the middle class.
  • Who - The middle class and entrepreneurs
  • This problem is easy to exploit but difficult to make a change.
  • Why did you see the opportunity- As a young college student taking an entrepreneurship class I am very interested to see how things will change for start up companies.

Economic Trend #2
Amazon Plans Second Headquarters, Opening a Bidding War Among Cities
  • Why- Amazon plans to open a second headquarters to expand its empire in another city. This could add almost 50,000 jobs in another city but could take away jobs from those within that city from other employers.
  • Who- Possible contenders include, San Diego, Chicago and Dallas.
  • This problem would not be to easy to exploit because Amazon has such a stake in the retail economy
  • Why did you see the opportunity- Amazon is a massive retailer that can change the retail environment and economy.

Regulatory Trend #1

Saudi Arabia opens itself to Skype, WhatsApp and other internet calling services

  • Why - Saudi Arabia has lifted the longtime ban of online calling services. This will provide opportunity for calling service to enter this market but will be a problem for those calling companies that previously dominated the market.
  • Who- Any Saudi Arabian who wants to call within the country and out of the country
  • The opportunity was not relatively easy to exploit because it had very heavy regulations.
  • Why did you see the opportunity- This opportunity has just come to light and I am sure many companies are aware of it

Regulatory Trend #2

China is planning a crackdown on ICOs, the red-hot digital-coin-issuing trend

  • Why- Chinese are planning new regulations on the digital coin trend and may ban them until rules are in place. Because these coins are new and in a legal gray area, regulators need time to come up with a proper solution.
  • Who- Chinese users of digital coins.
  • The opportunity is not relatively easy to exploit because regulators don’t know much about this new trend.
  • Why did you see the opportunity- This new trend that many are talking about and it is interesting to see how government officials are planning to regulate it.


  1. Hey Delaney,

    I found your selection of economic and regulatory trends very intriguing. It is sad to think small start up companies are declining because of big companies especially when it is affecting the middle class. I feel like this economic trend goes in hand with your second economic trend dealing with Amazon. Big companies like these are replacing small companies as they expand. I wonder how difficult it will be to start my own business in the next few years if these trends continues.

  2. I am especially interested in the expansion of Amazon. I did not know they were looking for a second location. Where I live in TN Amazon dominates the job market, along with man, many other large scale operations. This will definitely have a negative impact on the surrounding area of the next city. Yes it creates job opportunities but it also takes away a great deal of workers form current employers. I am having this problem right now. Everyone wants to go work for Amazon because of the high wages and benefits they offer.

    Start up companies also have a hard time competing with places like this as well. It's a higher risk these days, especially if you need to hire help and can't afford to pay more than the minimum wage.
    Very good articles.
