1. Looking for parking by sorority row
WHY it exists: The university may not want to add more parking to this area for budgeting purposes or for height restrictions in that specific area.
2. Biting into a chip that is stale
WHY it exists: The chip turns stale to let you know that it is no longer good to eat.
3. When people are rude to teachers
WHY it exists: They don't know how to handle their anger in a calm manner.
4. When people are rude to servers or janitors etc.
WHY it exists: They don't know how to handle their problem with grace and think about the fact that it may not be their fault in the first place
5. Traffic when I have somewhere to be
WHY it exists: An accident could have occurred that has halted traffic. Hopefully those involved are ok.
6. When group members slack off in group projects and expect others to do the entire project
WHY it exists: They could have had other prior engagements or personal problems that hindered their ability to contribute.
7. When people don't flush the toilet
WHY it exists: They could have forgotten, or was in a rush.
8. When people talk in the library about non-study related things
WHY it exists: It could have been something that was an urgent matter involving a friend or family member that needed to be addressed.
9. When people take all the weights at the gym so you can't use any
WHY it exists: The gym doesn't have enough weights to satisfy all of its occupants.
10. Having tests on the Monday after a home football game
WHY it exists: Teachers may find it hard to schedule exams based on the class calendar and try their best to satisfy everyone's needs including themselves.
11. People who skip lines when you have been waiting in one for 30 min plus
WHY it exists: They had a good friend who was a bouncer or they needed to help someone who is inside.
12. Coming home excited to eat leftovers only to find they have been eaten by someone else
WHY it exists: Someone was famished and decided to eat some delicious looking leftovers that they didn't know belonged to someone else.
13. When the air conditioning doesn't work in my car
WHY it exists: My car is old and the parts need to be replaced.
14. When people are late for plans
WHY it exists: Something came up like work or a last minute assignment that they hadn't planned for.
15: The traffic on UF campus at 5pm
WHY it exists: Many people get off of work at this time and UF doesn't have enough road space for the amount of cars on campus.
16. When your roommates don't clean their own dishes
WHY it exists: They were in a rush or forgot to clean the dishes.
17. UF only releases class syllabi during drop add week so you can't plan ahead
WHY it exists: They are giving time to professors to figure out last minute adjustments to syllabi to make sure they are perfect.
18. Brain freeze from ice-cream or a slushy
WHY it exists: This is a biological function to tell us that what we are consuming is too cold.
19. When people throw away trash not in the trashcan but on the floor near it
WHY it exists: They missed and didn't see that it didn't make it in the trash can.
20. People who don't recycle
WHY it exists: They don't realize the importance of recycling and how it can benefit the entire earth.
Reflection: This assignment was very helpful in making me realize what bothers me and what doesn't. I like that we discuss why it exists rather than why it bothers us. This helps me to realize the other side of things and reflect on why people do the things they do and the reasoning behind it. At first, it was easy to think of 4-5 things that bother me. After those first couple it got a little more difficult for me to think. This was an excellent form of self-reflection and I believe will help me to be more conscious of what I may do that bother people and a helpful way to understand human behavior.